Prior to 531 i was using a a clipboard, paper and pen to record my previous lifting data. The simple cyclic A-B style workout in starting strength, Which made perfect sense at the time. I used a set of symbols that highlighted my previous max or showed when i struggled with weights
[ Image removed due to complaints that it turned people blind ]
- ~N = The last N were not good form
- [ N] = This was my max weight for 5 reps for exercise
- __ = Too easy
I use to plan out my 531 cycle for the next 4 weeks. I print it out and stuck it at eye-level to the wall adjacent to the squat rack. This removed the decision making process from my tired neanderthal mind in mid-set.
The beauty of strstd is that it free's me from paralysis by analysis. I make a judgement call based on how my last cycle was and then plan out the next cycle when the current comes to an end. I use the same symbols that I had adopted when recording my starting strength.
No symbols on this yet, due to none being applicable. |
There is something about the ability to "tick" off the sets that makes me feel more inspired to do follow through and really work hard to get the sets done.
The above is the printable view from the website. which offers a range of accessory routines, the above is body weight only.
If something like goes away, I imagine i'll need to write some software to do this math for myself. I have seen the android app
Wendler531 (
Wendler531 Pro) and
FiveThreeOne Most of which have good reviews however I'm pretty happy with the paper setup right now.
Do you have a good "workflow" for your workouts ? If you do, leave a comment in the boxes below, I'm willing to learn new things and maybe find something that can make it easier/better for me.